I read Matthew's Ultra Mind post on positive affirmations and used the technique to help me achieve the time I wanted in a half marathon.
Mark Betts Norwich Road Runners
Ezra was Born in Warri, Nigeria. He lived in Nigeria for 14
years, and then relocated to The United States Atlanta, GA. At 20 years old he
began boxing, Joining Attleborough ABC and was quick to make his mark by
becoming the Eastern Counties Elite Champion.
Eworitse Ezra Arenyeka 'The Professor' - Future Olympian
Before getting Involved with Matthew, I did not believe
hypnosis could make a difference. Overtime working with Matthew, I Learnt so
much about my brain, my conscious and subconscious. Matthew enabled me to know
I have full control over my emotions, keeping a clear head at all times.
Training became easier, was more focused and stronger. This was due to
visualization and meditation. I highly recommend Matthew to any boxer that
wants to take his or her boxing to the next level. Majority of the greats used
hypnosis, I am now a believer and a student of hypnosis. It has made me a
different better boxer!
I went to see Matthew after a very stressful period of my
life. I lost someone very dear to me and not long after was diagnosed with a
cancerous brain tumour. My anxiety levels went through the roof and although my
GP prescribed medication I preferred a more natural route - treating the cause
not the symptom. Matthews calm manner really relaxed me and helped me go on to
smash life in so many ways. Including now training to be a stunt artist and
putting myself in situations that before I would have just cried at. Kerri
Parker (Model and Miss UK)
Kerri Parker, Miss UK & Hollywood Actress...
"Never really giving Hypnosis a thought I was first
introduced to the concept whilst in Austria, helping 'Wladimir Klitschko'
prepare for his upcoming fight against 'Alexander Povetkin. I was talking with
a member of the team and was told that Klitschko had regular sessions...
I then took it upon myself to research it a little and when
I was introduced to Matthew I was keen to try it for myself. I was pretty
sceptical about how it would work, but I told myself I would go in with an open
After my first session I knew it was for me, it made me very
relaxed and I was able to come away with a clear focused head.
Later we worked on 'Boxnosis' and I found this to be very
beneficial to my training.
Mathew developed a session that would help develop certain
areas that I felt needed work.
It's delivered in such a way that it's embedded in my mind
and it comes out naturally whilst training. We worked on a number of different
things and by the time it came to the training camp for my British Title
challenge, I think Mathew had it down perfect.
Every day I'd listen to the audio Boxnosis on my headphones
and it set me up. During the fight the words resided in my head and certainly
helped me lift that British Title." 👊🏻
Sam Sexton.
The British Heavyweight Champion
"I was extremely impressed with the Hypnosis session I
had with Matthew, not only did he offer complete confidentiality and
professionalism but in addition to this, his methods made sense...
I was able to relax much more than with previous
Hypnotherapists and felt confident and able to tackle the challenging issues I
I found his methods really made sense and I've been so
relaxed and at ease ever since my session. I'd recommend him to anyone, I
really would...
Rebecca Jessica Phillips Former Model
Just wanted to thank you Matthew for your help and advice on the run up to my IBA middleweight championship bout.
I came into the sport later in life but well and truly got the bug & worked my butt off for 18 months... Enough so, that I managed to convincingly win myself a title on Friday night.
I had suffered from a small element of self doubt & got in touch with Matthew to see if he could help iron out any issues so I could walk in and out of that ring like a champion!
He was on the end of the phone offering motivational advice and support, I truly believe that his advice helped me to remain so positive on the lead up to fight night... Thank you so much Matthew, you really put my mind at ease and helped me believe that I was good enough to go and smash each and every round and then lift that belt at the end!!
Lou Massey
Thank you to THE AMAZING Matthew David Robinson for all the
brilliant hypnotherapy sessions to help me with my weight loss and portion
control and support the mind programming techniques to help with portion
control you are one of the best hypnotherapists around I’ve lost over 200lbs
Kimberly Sieley
After reading this incredible article on TBI have a look at
the menu option for a wealth of information on very wide ranging mental Health
Since my last hypnotherapy session it has been
running at a constant level 3 which is almost silence for me. Fingers crossed
it stays like this, I'm a very happy boy
My latest big step forward was a Hypnotherapy session
yesterday with Matthew David Robinson which has greatly reduced the level of Tinnitus I suffer from. I usually rate it from 0 to 10 at about 8 occasionally,
for short periods of time (thankfully) it goes off the clock driving me insane.
Colin Mathais
During this camp we worked a lot on mental preparation with Leo to help him focus. Unfortunately in boxing a lot of coaches are very set in their ways and don’t like to adopt new methods, obviously not you lot just all the other numpties! Anyway I am now going to be adding Boxnosis to all of my fighters camps as the difference in Leo and his self belief was really incredible. Matthew David Robinson works with a lot of the biggest pros in the industry and can help your fighters young and old to prepare by creating a bespoke plan to see your hand raised. This business is 70% mental so to not consider this is a mistake, Cus D’Amato was actually a famous hypnotist and used to hypnotise Tyson daily to prepare him for sparring and to focus on winning! I have always said I don’t think I’m the best trainer in the world (just the best pad man) but I always try and install confidence and this will allow me to even better prepare you for the sands of the arena! He also helps me focus for business and prepares me for battle in the boardroom! Drop him a message if your a fighter or trainer and think perhaps maybe he could help your camps.
Oliver Hickey
Congratulations to my client Callum for finishing 3rd place In the inaugural Sportlink SMile final in association with CoolcamperGraphics We worked on removing old pain and limiting blocks from an old injury a few months prior - We reinforced a winning mindset with suggestions visualisations and power affirmations and pre race body language “You helped me prepare in a way I’ve never experienced before! Using different methods like power posing and affirmations! Which made me turn up and also walk away with a completely different attitude to past races’!!” Callum Final standings...
1. Tyler Bilyard (GYDAC) 4:13.8 2. Charlie Wakefield (St Edmund Pacers) 4:16.7 3. Callum Bowen-Jones (BVH) 4:22.6 4. Iona Lake (CoNAC) 4:57.3 5. Hattie Reynolds (NNH) 5:01.3 6. Sam Jacks (CoNAC) 5:01.7
Thank you Matt.
I can seriously say that Matt really did transform my life. I was at the lowest point of my life, where I feared for my life due to a big alcohol and addiction problem that had been haunting me for more than 20 years come and go. I contacted Matt in desperation, as I had nowhere else to turn. I can honestly say that was the best choice of my life. He went above and beyond to help me and get to the route of the problems. He even organised and acompanioned me to AA meetings to help me through the full transformation process. I now see him, not only as my therapist but a true friend that has only wanted to change me into the person I was born to be. Since I gave up all habits, my life has gone from strength to strength. Growing in ways that I could only but dream of. The whole process has been made easy by his unique techniques and support. He gave me the tools to control my thoughts, body and even food. This is not just a testimonial but a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my life and turning it completely around. If I can do it, anyone can with his guidance. Thank you mate. Forever greatful.
One love brother
Hypnosis made a big difference for me compared to what I had in other fights. Normally there was the feeling of real nerves, almost like a voice that told me “I didn’t want it.” But after the hypnosis sessions it changed real quick, I was calm and ready to fight. There was no doubt in my mind. In my mind I had already won the fight before the fight had happened. This was a big difference for me.
Bas Oosterweghel Professional Boxer
Real knows real my mate and I wont forget how you helped me.
Vinny Shoreman - Mind Coach